
Art History

Art history perfectly combines my history interests and love of the visual image. I have been an official African Heritage guide at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London since 2016. This is a voluntary role where I lead public tours in the 17th and 18th century Europe galleries. It has been a pleasure to impart knowledge about obscure aspects of history to a willing public. Dates for forthcoming tours are listed below.

2025 sees me join the British Museum and Tate Modern as a African Heritage Guide. Tours will go live from the spring/summer onwards and dates will be published on this page in due course. Sign up to my mailing list (home page) for updates.

I also occasionally collaborate with other heritage institutions as was the case with the Greenwich Maritime Museum Seeing Ourselves Podcast in 2023. A link to the podcast recording can be accessed further down.

V&A INSPIRATION AFRICA: Stories Beyond the Artefacts

The African Gaze, Europe 1600 – 1815 Galleries

My specially researched official V&A tour gives an overview of the African presence in 17th and 18th Century Europe as represented in a number of high-quality works. Europe during this period was on the cusp of massive change with much social, religious and economic upheaval. The period saw the Scientific Revolution and Age of Enlightenment.

I lead the tour speculating on the viewpoint of the African individuals portrayed; their stories and backgrounds. As part of the tour attendees will be looking at a number of known and unknown figures as well as the achievements of individuals of African descent in European history at a time when the African body would become symbolic of degradation.

From the Baroque to the Rococo and Neoclassical, the Europe 1600-1815 Galleries present an unrivalled collection of 17th and 18th century art and design in a period that was influential in forging the identity of the European lifestyle today.

*The March, Tapestry Judocus De Vos (weaver), Philipp De Hondt (designer) (1718-1724) V&A London

The tour is free and drop-in. There is no booking procedure. Meet me the meeting point in the grand entrance of the Victoria & Albert Museum for a sharp 3.30pm start.

2025 Tour Dates

  • Saturday 8 March
  • Saturday 12 April
  • Saturday 13 September
  • Location – Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL

Greenwich Maritime Museum, Seeing Ourselves Podcast

The Black Female Body, Exploitation and Power

The Seeing Ourselves podcast is part of a multi-disciplinary arts project conceived by London-based artist Sharon Walters. Supported by the National Maritime Museum, Sharon collaborates with a number of artists and historians to explore depictions of people of African descent in the museum collections.

In this conversation, historian and film curator, Nadia Denton and artist Sharon Walters centre their discussion on a collection piece featuring Saartje (Sara) Baartman. Sara is a well-known figure who has a disturbing and tragic story. Nadia offers a response to Sara’s life story focusing on female power and exploitation in context to enslaved Africans. Please note that the content includes themes of sexual violence and a disturbing nature.

Seeing Ourselves 2 – EP2 The Black Female Body, Exploitation and Power – National Maritime Museum Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

* La Venus Hottentote, George Luftus (1814) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Michael Graham-Stewart Slavery Collection.
Acquired with the assistance of the Heritage Lottery Fund